Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Even after the trauma of today's visit to the pediatrician, Addie still wanted to play with her doctor kit. I wonder what goes through a toddler's mind during a check up. Why is it that having your ears looked in and getting a shot cause the same intensity of wailing? At least we got the nice nurse today. While measuring head circumference, she said, "I have to get the size for your princess crown." And we got two stickers. So all in all, Addie probably wasn't emotionally scarred for life by her 2-year old appointment.
The best news for me was that Addie is now "more proportional." At her 1-year check, we had a Nurse Practitioner whom we now always avoid. She thought we were on the path to obesity and chastised me for whatever she thought I was feeding Addie. Of course she didn't take the time to look at our chart and see that Addie had been a very short and chubby baby since her 2-month visit. As in, 25th percentile for height and 75th for weight. Fast forward to today: our little teapot is in the 50th percentile for height and the 70th for weight. And how did we celebrate her "better" proportions? With Addie's first trip to Cold Stone!

Monday, July 27, 2009

First Post!

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging (if you don't count the other blog I started only never to post). I love taking photos, like processing when I have time for it, wish I shared more pics with friends and family, and hope to get better at photography. Hence, my idea for this blog: to post pictures and their accompanying stories.

Our daughter, Addie, will be 2 tomorrow. Above, she is a week old. Is there anything cuter than a baby butt and feet? Probably not, but I'll give it a shot...